Sunday 22 May 2016

Old Time Not Only Gives Nostalgia But Perspective Too !!

While my colleagues and me sat relishing the Daal makhani and Chicken butter masala from “Chulah Chauki ka Dhaba” it was not just the food but the ambience of the place too that we cherished. Apart from the cane sofas and “moodas” (small round chairs with cushions but no backrest) the “Manji” (cot) on which laid a wooden slab either side of which people can sit and eat, reminded us of the good old days. It kicked off with Ritesh saying “I am glad there was no watsapp , internet and videogames in my childhood days – I have so many memories to relish.”
Sanket (in his typical Bihari accent) : “ Arre bhai, when you get older then what we are living today will also feel better than that day. Sadeeyao nahi, Happinessva mei jeeyo”

Ritesh: “Just to come to this restaurant we coordinated with all our colleagues for atleast 2 days on watsapp and email and here were times where all you had was the landline, friends were not supposed to call on that which means all the planning had to be done during school time and everyone kept their word. Smiling at me , you must have been the obedient kid in the school and you were the kind of kids who were our enemies, my friends used to plan bunking the school and after lunch sharp 2:00 pm we all had to gather near Pandey Chacha’s shop. We had this girl and I can bet she must have been like you, laughingly pointing at me, she was the monitress of the class and would always complain about a bunch of us. Our names were written for the whole year on the blackboard corner “

Sanket: “and I used to secretly take money from my mom and have that pepsi in plastic packets. I was so scared of dad I would never ask for money from him.”

Me: “I never bunked my classes, smiling at Ritesh, but I feel nostalgic about how I used to be so excited about the new text books and copies and would sit all day long covering them with brown paper and choosing the name labels was such a big project, I would buy 4-5 sheets of different stickers. “
Ritesh: “ Initially we used to have just the simple brown paper and later there was one with plastic feel, haina”
Me: “Yup yup, and the typical singing of Goooooooodddddd Mooorrrnnniiiinnnngggg Maaammmmm”. Everyone on the table started laughing.

Shreya: “In my school we used to have PT classes. That day we used to wear our Team dress – like red/gree/blue/yellow team had different dresses. My shoes would never be clean so in the morning after reaching school I would rub a whole lot of chalk on my PT shoes to make them look white.”
Everyone supported her while they remembered their own days and ways.

Me: “I don’t know if we still get it but in those days there was this toffee called “Boyes” – it used to
 come in orange and black flavor – that was famous for birthdays. And this birthday girl like a queen would go around distributing toffees to classmates ,other classes and teachers. She would have her best friend carry her bag of toffees for her which was like such a privileged designation at that time and the best friend would then get some extra toffees at the end”
Selva: “I used to carry that Milton water bottle and sometimes I used bring Rasna in that bottle. That day everyone used to be my best friend , laughs.”

Me: “Nowadays Saturdays and Sundays I get so lazy but back then Sundays I used to wake up by 7 in the morning – eat, bath and get ready in front of the TV because 9 o clock in the morning it used be Chandrakaanta time. Then there was Mowgli and Potli Babaki “Geeto ka , Kahaaniyon ka kisso ka chhaava”. OMG those days were so good. I don’t think our kids generation will have all this to watch.. Apps for poems, Apps for learning ABCD and what not.
Oh Yes and every Saturday evening the Doordarshan movie was such a big hit. We would pull the curtains up and some of the people who used to work in our house would stand at the window to watch the movie for sometime. And the Chitrahaar – Can’t imagine there was just one song show in those days”
Ritesh: “and whenever there was a romantic scene , mom would say “go get me a glass of water”. I would take time to get up and slowly push my way when second time “Go, I am thirsty , get me water”
Everyone bursted out laughing.

Vicky: “Although I like power back but sometimes when it takes time for the power backup to start it reminds me of those early days if the power went off , there used to be complete silence for sometime and my elder brother would make these ghostly noises to scare me , I would start shouting and from the other room Daddy would point the torch light in the direction of my room and would keep talking from the other room saying “Mera Raja Beta, don’t worry Daddy is here”. Till mom would go to the kitchen holding the wall to find her way and get a candle for both the rooms. And when the power was back we used to hear children from neighbours shouting YYYEEYYYY and in the fun I would beat up my brother.”

Bye Bye Road
Me: “Back then there was a place called Mirick near Siliguri, probably still is– it had beautiful tea gardens and used to be our favorite destination for a day trip. Mom Dad would be discussing all the problems of the house and relatives sitting in the front seat – Dad was very fond of music and would have the latest Hindi movie song cassette playing, while me and brother would be at the back seat sitting other way round looking at the road going away from us and shouting on top of the voice “Bye bye road, bye bye road” I don’t know what fun that was. Time and again mom would say, “Stop shouting, Papa important gall kar rahe ne” and we would keep shut for a few seconds then start with low volume and high and higher and again on full blast “bye bye road”. On the way back both of us used to be asleep on the back seat and would wake up only when we reached home”
Sanket: “And we used to watch movie in VCR. All neighbor kids would gather at our place to watch the VCR movie.”

Reema: “When I was a kid we used to play chor police, Vish –amrit which many kids used to say Lock-Key, Pittu which was my favourite, Colourman colour man which colour do you want to choose (sings it to the old days tune and laughs), Trump cards of WWF wrestlers, Name|place|animal|thing , chor|Sipahi|Raja|Mantri.”
Everyone started laughing and clapping in a gesture to show their assent.

Neha: “Every summer holidays we used to go to our Naani ji’s house. She used to stay in the suburbs – we used to play in the water for whole day and in the evening all the children used to sleep together on the terrace – there were no beds, just cots with handmade mattresses – and we would keep counting the stars or keeping guessing the design of the constellation while all elders would sit on the other side chit chatting till late in the night.”

The discussion went on and on. I don’t know if technology is making us happier, sometimes it feels thank god we have technology else I would have been so miserable. But other times I feel old days were better – so what if it took time to communicate and there was just landline – we were closer to our neighbors, yes it took more time to travel anywhere- but it meant less travelling and more local festivities, medicine field has become so advanced but we have become more mentally ill – I think problems will always stay – that is nature’s law , that is a way of nature to keep a sanity check on human species, probably we are getting deluded where we feel we are solving a problem unconsciously giving rise to another one as a repercussion.

Saturday 14 May 2016

It Is Not Our Style Statement - It Is Our Faith !!

I confess that I am not religious but I make a small attempt to understand the meaning of what is recited in Gurbani. It helps me connect to my religion. After seva Simmi and me found a comfortable place to sit and have langer . Just next to us sat another lady who was evidently of a different faith, probably a Hindu, as I could make out from her neatly draped saree. Fluently rattling a South Indian language she spoke to her kid and made arrangements for him to sit.

Simmi: “Look at her Neet, she is wearing a kada. Ajjkal wearing a kada has become fashion. Everyone wears it. Ranveer Kapoor was also wearing a kada in Rockstar.”

Neet: “Hmmm but when a Sikh wears a kada it means a lot more. It comes with a responsibility that we are to fulfill and that is the reason Guru Gobind Singh ji adorned his Sikh as Khalsa and gave him the 5 Ks to follow”

Simmi: “ What responsibility?? Kada is just worn to depict that we are Punjabi. All Punjabis wear Kada.”
Neet: “ Do you know what the 5 K’s of Sikhism are?”
Simmi: “Oh yes ! Kesh (unshorn hair), Kanga (comb), Kashera or Kaccha (breeches), Kirpan (Sword) and Kada (bangle)”
Neet: “Do you know what the significance of each one of them is? Why should we follow these 5 Ks? “
Simmi: “What you mean why? These are signs of Sikhism. We are Sikh so we wear kada, sport a turban and keep long hair…………there is no why here. All Sikhs do it.”   

Neet: “There is a reason why Sikhs are supposed to follow the 5 Ks. Wearing a Kada , turban and kirpaan are only external endorsements – there is a much deeper meaning to it and when we imbibe their meaning into our life, that is when you become a true Sikh.

The five symbols of the Sikh faith are historically, practically and spiritually significant. I am not 100% sure because there are so many sources and they all explain different meaning but I will tell you what I could relate the most to.

Kesh (uncut hair):  A Sikh doesn’t cut hair. Apart from reasons like it reminds us of the sacrifice of Bhai Taru Singh ji who preferred to have his scalp removed rather than have his hair cut when forced to give up Sikh religion or that a Sikh believes to keep intact all gifts given to him by God , stay in his will and not give them away for materialistic pleasures of looking good in front of other people, one of the most important reason is that, there is said to be a 10th inklet “Dasam Dwaar” which is located in the head and is invisible. Just like more number of coils around an iron rod increases the strength of the electromagnet , hair like the coil turned around the knot help to attain and save more spiritual energy. Have you noticed all the sages, rishi munis in the past used to have long hair tied in a knot on the head.
Through the turban we protect these hair . There was a time when only a section of society was allowed to sport a turban as a sign of royalty - in Sikhism everyone is same in Waheguru’s eyes hence everyone wears a turban irrespective of the social or economic status.

Kanga (comb):  A Sikh keeps a comb in the knot of the hair. It is a symbol of cleanliness. Everyday a Sikh washes and combs the hair and gets rid of the unhealthy dead hair. On a daily basis A Sikh bathes in the morning to clean his body of impurities and does paath to understand and follow the teachings our Gurus to clean his mind of unhealthy thoughts and impurities.
If you notice the Kanga is made of wood because wood does not create static electricity unlike plastic or metal.

Kashera or Kaccha (breeches): These boxer like shorts are worn by every Sikh which is a symbol of continence (Self Control) and high moral character. It was also easy clothing which during the time of war helped Sikh soldiers climb on and off a horse easily.


Kirpan (Sword): It is not just a Talwaar that a Sikh carries, it is a Kirpaan - combination of “Kirpa” (kindness) and “Aan” (Self Respect).  A Sikh uses his sword either to protect himself or to save another person, who is unable to protect himself, from atrocity. A Sikh uses a Kirpaan only when all other means of achieving the right outcome has exhausted and failed.

Kada (bangle): A Sikh wears a Kada on the right hand. It is a symbol that prevents us from doing any evil or wrong doing. Mostly people work with their right hand so before you do anything the kada reminds you of God’s will and helps you perform the most righteous action.”

Simmi: “Neet, This is so much deeper than I thought. It feels blessed to be part of a faith that preaches such good things. But after listening to you I am thinking how many of us actually follow all these teachings. I don’t even ordain myself outwardly leave alone walk the most righteous path.”

Neet: “Neither do I.  I try to be a good human being but I know my goodness is not even the size of a drop in the ocean. We are too busy with materialistic achievements and luxuries “

Simmi: “I see so many of us who outwardly sport a turban, kada , kirpan but do they really live a righteous life. People are so full of ego, jealously - they don’t embellish themselves inwardly”

Neet: “Who is to judge them Simmi? We ourselves are lacking in so many ways – and who knows how the record book of our actions is maintained. I don’t know if there is an easy answer to this – but who is to decipher Babaji's plans who has no beginning and no end, who is eternal and infinite”

ਅਪੁਨੇ  ਸੇਵਕ  ਕੀ  ਆਪੇ  ਰਾਖੈ  ਆਪੇ  ਨਾਮ  ਜਪਾਵੈ
The Lord Himself protects the honor of His servant and makes him meditate on Naam
ਜੇਹ  ਜੇਹ  ਕਾਜ  ਕਿਰਥ  ਸੇਵਕ  ਕੀ  ਥੇਹਾ  ਥੇਹਾ  ਓਉਥ  ਧਾਵੈ
Where the work of His servant is, He goes there to do it

Saturday 7 May 2016

Love At First Sight - In Love With Mommy Since I Opened My Eyes !

Maavan Thandiyaan Chaavaan , Chhavaan Kaun Kare
Maavan De Harjaane Loko Kaun Bhare
Kendi, Putt Mere To Tattiyaan Havaavan Rehen Pare
Haaye, Maavan Thandiyaan Chaavan , Chhavan Kaun Kare

Mommy and Me
My parents are the most loved people in my life but Papa always says that I am biased towards Mom. . Mom is my best friend with whom I go shopping, discuss my crushes, my buddy who listens to office woes, my boy friend – I talk to her 2-3 times a day and the after-office- night-call is for one or two hours, my guide from whom I have to take advice irrespective of the topic, my dietician – who keeps a check on what all I eat and makes suggestions , my doctor – who has the remedy for almost any bimari that affects me from bad stomach to bad throat to a sprain, my financer – who keeps advising me on how and where to spend and invest money, my marriage agent – who makes sure every two weeks I have a new proposal for consideration, my body guard – who walks right beside me clearing the clutter of good looking guys J, my lawyer – who fights on my behalf with all relatives for my decisions where they don’t support me. She is the most precious gift Babaji has given me. I don’t like to use the word love loosely and I don’t like it when people use it for almost anything – I use it for special people and special things. I love my mom so much that no blog, greeting card or gift can express that feeling.

From bachpan till now Mommy has taught me and birey(brother)many things and some we interpreted J……….Love you Mommmyyyy J

She taught us Self Confidence. “I know everything ok. I know better than you. You can’t hide it from me ok. “

Negotiation : “Complete the maths homework then you will get one ice-cream. If you complete English homework then you will get one chocolate also.”

Patience: “Till you can’t memorize your tables of 7’s I will keep you locked in bathroom. “

Nothing is impossible - “Enni Uchi awaaz !! Chup karke gall kar – I am your mummy. Mere saamne moo kholke na boli”

Unity: “We don’t go to pool parties and cluba shabba vich. We don’t stay out late night. We don’t talk over the phone all the time. Asi nai jaana on picnic with boys. Saade gharaan vich nai hunda ehe sab.“

Exercise: “Vickyyyyy Puuttttarrr (to my brother). Come here. He is your bade wale mamaji . Pairee hathh lao. And she is your Naani Maasi – Matha teko. Very good”

"Ehe Kehoji Kudi Aa ? "
Secret sauce of Intuition: “Mainu pela to hi pata si this girl is not nice – banala hor Girlfriendaan.
I knew you will score so less in maths.
I knew the moment you left the house that you will catch cold.”

Inheritance: “Pita pe poot, nasal pe ghoda, bautaan nai taan thoda thoda. You have received all these bad habits from your pyo (father). "."Hanji Penji – He is tall like his pyo (father) and hatta katta like his mamaji – Nanke te geya mera putt”

No food wastage: “ This is only 2 rotis puttar – chalo finish karo.
Just little bit makhan putt – you need oil for your sukki haddiyaan
Sirf 2 slices of mango – where will I keep them in fridge – chalo eat it and finish up”

Fight for your rights: “whose room is this? Yours. So who will clean it? You”

No Procrastination: “Neetu – I want the room cleaned TODAY.
I want the grocery shopping done by TODAY evening.”

How to use one item for multiple purposes:

Mom: I want this leaking tap to be fixed TODAY.
Neetu: I called two plumbers – they said they are not available – they will come tomorrow.
Mom: Achha , so for today I will put my head in the tutti so that water will not leak. That works. Haina? “

Neetu: Mummy , I don’t like kaddu di sabji. And I don’t like baigan. Cook something else na plzzzz.
Mom: Achha putt…..koi gall nai, mera sher puttar aaja mainu khala. Mera keema banala. Ok? Stupid nonsense girl.”

In difficult situations Papa = Police.
"You take one more step outside the house and I will call Papa"
"What ?? you won’t go to college?? I will call Papa."
"Haayee……Tera bike chori ho gaya??? Let me call Papa."

To be brave
“Tu  ghar chal then main tenu dekhdi aan”.
“you wait ok. You wait and watch……..I will tell you later…..buss tu Theherja.”

How to maintain your property
“Kann kholke sunla, if you decide to marry this girl, you will not get an inch from the property. Ehe gall yaad rakhi”

“My heart cries when I see you in these tattered clothes. Paise nai haige – fatte kapde paaye hoye ne. Leeraa Kacheera latak rahi ne – ehe kehoji tshirt aa”
“Jinder Pehnji’s husband recently brought a Fortuner. But they gave only 100 rupees for Shagan. Chhi.”

Fashion and Trends
“Your papa also married in Jatt family and had arranged marriage. Your Chachaji also married into Jatt family and had arranged marriage. Your Mamaji also , your Bhuaji also,………….therefore you also “

If you can’t measure, you can’t improve.
“Main tenu hazaar baar keha, open the dirty shoes in the veranda”
“This is the 100th time that sauce has fallen on your white t-shirt”

Endless Love and support
“So what if boss is angry with you, tu fikar na kar puttar, mummy tere naal aa”
“So what if you fought with friends, Mummy haigee aa, come lets go shopping”
“Don’t take stress of your promotion beta, mummy papa hai na, quit your job and come home”
“Koi na beta, sab thik ho jaana, come you eat garam garam food”
“If they say another word to you, tell them to talk to me. Main apne aap dekhlun.”

Pairaan De Vich Jannat Jisde, Sir Te Thandiyaan Chhavaan
Ankhaan De Vich Noor Khuda Da,Mukh Te Rehen Duaawaan
Godi De Vich Mamta Vasdi, Daaman Vich Fizaavaav
Jinna Karke Duniya Wekhi, Rehen Salaamat Maavaan