Sunday 15 December 2013

Meanings Redefined

Enthusiasm / Passion: The feeling which shows when you are literally shouting in a group discussion and making sure you are heard and may be the only one heard.

Fear: Once upon a time it was about darkness, ghosts, fear of height etc. Now fear is the feeling you experience when you are in round 3 of company A and you know you haven’t performed very well for round 1 of company B and you are in this mess after you have rejected offer from Company C and cannot go for its walk-in again …Damn !!!

Wait: This is the worst …... it’s the feeling when you know you are rejected and you still wait the company to inform you formally.

Confusion: When you have 5 shortlists and you don’t know which one to concentrate on and then you have 3 converts and you don’t know which one to take.

Irritation: When there are 100 shortlists with a condition of mandatory case study submission and on same day, people who have submitted case study are interviewed at 10 p.m. while those who didn’t submit the case study are interviewed at 10 a.m.

Instability: You were cribbing till the end that you don’t have just 2 shortlists, that life is not fair etc etc. and then you convert one. Now you tell your friend “Abbey Chill yeaaaa Day 2 has even better companies, better offers” - Gurrrrrrr – what were you crying for then.

Profile Misfit: This is a homonym.
1.     ------.  Out of 290 applications you were honored with the status of “Application shortlisted”.  When you walk into the interview and say hello, interviewer gives you a cold look and then says “Sorry, but the profile doesn't fit well. OR sorry, the work ex is not enough”
2.      -----You don’t go for lunch and may be you don’t even go to pee because what if there was a call for round 3??? And yippee you get a call for round 3 and round 4 and DING !!  “Sorry, after 4 rounds and 5 hours of conversation we just realized suddenly your profile was a misfit. Ok bye.”

Victory: You receive the offer for one of the most coveted jobs with salary TBD

Frustration: Navneet Kaur now writing this post.

Peace: Navneet Kaur tomorrow – back to pavilion 

Tall and Sturdy, stands determined and grand
“We are the leaders” as if it commands
Holds up high our imperishable dream
Nurtures it, till in the dark it gleams
Anuj tied his laces, wore the cap to save himself from the scorching heat and knowing it would be a difficult 40 km marathon ahead he still decided to go for it. As he covered the 20 km mark his knees ached, his throat as dry as a desert craved for water but he didn’t give up.  As he vaguely saw the finishing line and literally dragged himself to it, he thought his legs would give way under his own weight, his feet would topple anytime, his calf muscles felt torn yet he could see himself being there in any minute, any second. As the distance between him and his goal receded he thought about his childhood days when he ran around the house and his ‘Ma’ sat down holding her knees when she couldn’t run after him anymore. He remembered the game of “chor-police” as he raced like an unwinding spool of thread. He had glimpses of him and friends trying to grab some mangoes from the neighborhood garden. While he lurked forward to grab the mango he extended his arms wide and let the ribbon loosely wind on his chest. He heard the crowd cheer, saw his friends running to him with water and towel. He fell on his knees and let the moment sink into him not sure if the salty water that wet his face was sweat or tears. Did you feel what he felt?

Sukhi put the children to sleep not listening to any arguments about allowing them to watch TV till late for the Friday night. She neatly folded lieutenant Amandeep’s clothes to hang them in his closet where he would usually put them. As she opened the closet she could smell the cologne he used that day as he got ready to leave for the emergency his battalion had been called for. For a week now there was no news of his and his team’s whereabouts. Today morning the army told her they found some clues . As she closed the closet and contently looked at the children sleeping in serenity, she went to the lobby and sat on the rocking chair while she waited for the phone to ring and give her the news she so much wished to hear. She would look at the phone now and then and even pick up the receiver to see if the line was working. As she waited she drank 6 glasses of water, opened the fridge stared at it for two minutes and closed it, picked up the receiver a zillionth time confirmed its working and put it back. Just when she snuggled into the chair she heard the phone ring. Her heart somersaulted while she took quick steps to pick the phone. As the voice over the other end spoke – tears welled up in her eyes, she covered her mouth with her trembling hands to keep herself from venting the emotions. Her heart beat so fast she thought it would pop out. While she breathed heavily to pacify the anxiety she only mustered to say “I thought I lost you”. Did you feel what she felt?

Losing hope when a portal told me that the admission results for the ISB, Mohali campus were done and the Hyderbad campus had started flowing out – I hit the F5 for the nth time on the keyboard. Gmail bolded a new entry ‘ISB Admission Offer’. The adrenalin rush in the chest, the overwhelming feeling of disbelief, the rereading of mail to confirm the success, the shivering hands to call my parents, the exponentially loud voice in which I shouted my victory, the What-should-I-do-next feeling, revisiting Gmail, calling up friends at odd hours, barely sleeping over night, reconfirming the mail again in the morning pheww !! As I write I savor the moment I lived that night and the following days. The perpetual smile on my face told people I had some news to share and reiterated to me the triumph – the charismatic feeling of winning is irreplaceable. Did you feel what I felt?

ISB- Hyderabad campus @ night_InsideIIM

- Navneet
Navneet Kaur Khangura is a student of PGP class of 2014 at the Indian School of Business. She has done B Tech in Computer Science from Manipal Institue of Technology (Sikkim). She has over seven years of work experience in Business Intelligence and Data Analytics – and prior to joining ISB she worked with Cognizant and Fidelity Investments.
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